… And this was Day 1

Day 1 of the 30 Day Challenge is almost complete. I have had three complete vegan meals. (If you do the math, which I don’t do very often, 30 days at 3 meals a day is 90 meals in one month… I have never thought about that before and my mind is blown.) I had a yam for breakfast (which is quite filling and quite delicious with some cinnamon mixed right on in it), stir fry (so tasty! I mean, c’mon, look at that color!) for lunch. Image

And then completely the day: vegan alfredo and peas. The vegan alfredo is just that. Mock alfredo with coconut milk, cashews, nutritional yeast and some other knicks and knacks. It was fine. Not horrid. But not the best thing I’ve ever had. I probably will not eat it again, but you might as well try everything once, right?

Today I felt like I should explain this 30 Day challenge a little bit more to my array of followers. So I am doing this for a few reasons:

1. To be creative

2. To see if I can really be vegan

3. To see if veganism is worth my time.

4. To blog more

Those are good right? Well that is the basis for the 30 Day Challenge. The hope is to positively impact my life and then hopefully make a positive impact on others around me in some way.

So why vegan? You may be thinking, “Emily, you’re already a vegetarian, isn’t that the same thing?” or “You’re a vegetarian? Then that’s the same thing!” But I have to say to you that you are wrong. To be a vegan you don’t eat any meat (vegetarian), but you also do not eat any animal by-products, which means no eggs, milk, cream, yogurt, ice cream, cheese (oh just kill me! I just want some goat cheese!) or any other dairy product. Ya feel me? So it is kind of hard. And kind of easy at the same time. It just requires a lot more thinking. But really I chose this, because I have been toying with the idea of becoming vegan for a few months now, but never had the balls to go through with it. Then just this past weekend I went to a weekend Young Life camp and had A LOT of dairy. The whole time I felt awful. So I knew a change needed to be made.

3 days later, we are here making a change. I can still drink beer and get americanos with no cream, so don’t worry- life is good. We will see at the end of this if I become a vegan for life.

Grace and peace.

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